Your photo is the most crucial part of your profile: people will judge you based on first impressions before they look through your personal details. That is why we pay close attention to the quality of photos that you upload and do not allow the use of:
Other people's photos
We will remove any content that does not belong to you. This includes celebrity photos, photos from other people's social networks, and pictures from the internet.
Photos with contact details
Do not publish your contact details like your name, home address, email, links to other websites, bank card numbers, phone numbers, photos of documents, or a photo containing that information. Otherwise, we will have to delete it.
Low-quality photos and photos where it's hard to recognize someone
We delete over-edited photos, as well as low-quality photos that show less than half of your face.
You should only publish high-quality photos that clearly show your face so that you are easily recognizable on a first date.
Offensive photos and photos showing scenes of violence
We delete photos that depict violence or even hints of violence against people or animals. We delete photos with obscene text or gestures as well.
Photos with children or other people
Ensure that only you are in the photo. Do not share pictures with other people, even if these are your children. If you have children, it is best to mention them in your profile or a private conversation.
Explicit and pornographic photos
We are always happy to see high-quality photos of you, but uploading excessively explicit or pornographic images is forbidden.